in the body are like the electrical wires in your home. Acupuncture points are
like the switches and chakras are like the circuit breakers.
There are
12 common paired energy meridians, which are named after organs or glands in
each of us. Each of these meridians in the body is like an electrical circuit
in the home, and has within it a number of switches, plug points and a circuit
breaker that will trip if there is an overload. In the body specific organs,
glands and muscles are activated and energised by each meridian. If there is a
block or overload along or relating to the meridian any of these may experience
impaired function or complete malfunction. This is when disease is diagnosed.
example, if one manifests chronic pain in the neck and/or has Gastro-oesophageal
reflux disease (GERD)
digestive problems, it could be an imbalance of the energy that flows in the
stomach meridian. The neck muscles and the stomach (organ) are overseen by
energy meridian labelled ‘stomach’.
Technique takes all the levels, tangible and subtle, of human existence into
account to bring balance and harmony back to the client. Often when this is
carried out the chronic pain and/or disease is alleviated at the source and
cause. Hence the MYYO Technique does not mask symptoms but rather it removes
the problem.
The six
levels of health that the MYYO practitioner will check are the physical body
level; the energy level; the emotional level; the chemistry of the client like
hydration, nutrition, and toxins; the mental and spiritual levels. If
imbalances are discovered in any of these layers they are corrected in specific
ways to ensure that people can “Live Life Painlessly” on all levels.
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